Specialist in identifying and treating physical factors underlying specific learning difficulties, achievement and emotional/behavioural concerns that present
in neuro-developmental issues such as Dyslexia,
Dyspraxia/DCD, Autism, ADHD, Auditory Processing,
Speech and Language, and Sensory challenges.
Setting a course towards HOPE

You are invited to find out more about how Map & Compass Neuro-Developmental Therapy may be able to help your child.
Map & Compass is the combined result of
a lifetime of my own lived experience, specialised training and qualifications
a passion to find solutions for children and families facing neuro-developmental challenges
an unwavering pursuit of clinically researched therapies with measurable and definable results
the desire to be a source of referral and advocacy for children, parents, educators and other health professionals...pointing the way towards hope in what can be a confusing and frustrating landscape for parents seeking pathways of help for their children.
My passion lies in transforming the lives of children and families, acknowledging that not every situation is changeable, but many are. With Map & Compass, I navigate the pathways to ease and unlock potential, while also valuing the unique gifts of neuro-diversity. As a mother who's been there, I understand the uncertainty and the longing for hope.
Through INPP and Johansen IAS assessments, we unveil developmental gaps, prescribing targeted programmes monitored for progress. Detailed reports aid parents, teachers, and healthcare professionals in understanding the challenges.
Explore our site to delve into Neuro-developmental and Sound Therapy/Auditory Stimulation, witnessing how neuroscience advancements are bringing hope globally to circumstances previously thought to be hopeless. .
Rejecting a neuro-developmental diagnosis as a "handshake of hopelessness," we embrace the incredible process of neuroplasticity that has the potential to rewrite futures.
I'm here to guide parents on this path, collaborating with educators and medical professionals. While not claiming to have all the answers, my goal is to help you find the best support.
The aim of Map & Compass is to help you and your family set your course towards HOPE.

Can you help my child?
The Children's Questionnaire is designed to identify whether the INPP Neuro-developmental therapy/reflex integration or Johansen IAS Sound Therapy programmes we offer are likely to help you. This is helpful for both you and me: for you so that you will see the sort of information I will be looking for and for me to begin to form an understanding of the difficulties your child may be facing.
Research published in the British Journal of Occupational Therapy has shown that a score of 7 or more 'yes' answers on this questionnaire indicates that further investigation for underlying neuro-motor immaturity is advised for children over 7 years of age.
Once you submit the questionnaire you will be given the opportunity to book into a FREE 30 minute online consultation with me to explore the suitability of the programmes Map & Compass can offer. It is a time for you to ask questions, explore the options, and determine if going ahead with a full assessment is right for you and your child.
However, if you prefer to go straight to booking your free consultation, you can do that through this link: