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INPP School Programme
One-Day Training Course
for Teachers



Map & Compass is delighted to host a training day for teachers

for the highly acclaimed  INPP School Programme


​One-Day Teacher Training

Coleraine, Northern Ireland

Saturday, 22nd March 2025


Trainer:  Pauline Shannon, INPP Edinburgh

2nd edition Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning.jpg

The course was originally developed by Sally Goddard Blythe, (seen in video above)  Director of The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (INPP). She is the author of many books and published papers including: Reflexes, Movement, Learning and Behaviour (2023), The Well Balanced Child (2003),  Attention, Balance and Coordination – the "A.B.C. of Learning Success (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009),  and Neuromotor Immaturity in Children and Adults—The INPP Screening Test for Clinicians and Health Practitioners (2014).

Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning is a substantially revised and expanded edition of a long established INPP training manual that has been consistently proven in practice.

The publication and training day include tests to assess children’s neuromotor skills, a developmental movement programme, and online access to INPP video training materials.


  • Based on the proven INPP model for neuromotor development screening and intervention, which is unique in having been rigorously evaluated in research and practice.

  • Places emphasis on assessing children’s physical development and understanding how neuromotor skills pro- vide physical foundations for learning success.

  • Includes a physical intervention programme designed for use in schools (6+ years).



​The INPP Screening test is designed for use anyone with a first degree and professional qualifications and experience in a field allied to Education, Medicine or Psychology.


The INPP Developmental Movement Programme for use in Schools has been designed specifically to be used in schools with groups of children over the course of one academic year. Exercises from the INPP programme for schools should not be used out of context with individual children.


Full Day Course


The one day course has been devised primarily for teachers who intend to use the INPP School Intervention Programme or the play-based programme for 4—6 years of age. The course comprises:


Morning session: (3 hours)


  • Introduction

  • Signs and symptoms of movement disorders in the classroom

  • The role of movement in sensory perception and coordination

  • Links between specific learning difficulties and sensory-motor dysfunction

  • What is Neuro-Motor Immaturity?

  • Primitive reflexes as signposts of maturity in the functioning of the central nervous system and measures of improvement following an intervention programme.

  • Instruction in the use of The INPP Screening Test(s) for children aged 4-7 years and from 7 years of age upwards.


Afternoon Session: (2.5 hours)


  • Instruction in the use of the INPP screening tests.

  • Instruction and group participation in how to implement the INPP Developmental Movement Programme for use in schools or daily play programme based on Movement. Your Child’s First Language.


Requirements for implementation of the INPP Programme in Schools:


Dedicated staffing by a teacher who has attended the INPP Day course, to cover:


  • 15 minutes’ assessment per child at the beginning and the end of the programme

  • Supervision by class teacher of activities for 10 minutes per day, 5 days a week for a minimum of 1 academic year.


The programme has been designed to be used either with an entire class of children or selected groups of children as required.


Course fee:   £250 per person* + Training Manual


Trainer:        Pauline Shannon

                       INPP Edinburgh


Venue:         Hope Centre

                       10 Hillmans Way


                       BT52 2DE

                       Fully accessible site

                       Free car parking


Time:             10am - 5pm



*Please note that it is essential that all attendees have a copy of the course training manual, which may be ordered directly from the publisher or can be found on Amazon:


Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning: The INPP Developmental Screening Test and School Intervention Programme, 2nd Edition





Published Peer Reviewed Research

based on

Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning

The INPP Developmental Screening Test and School Intervention Programme


Goddard Blythe SA., 2005. Releasing educational potential through movement,  A summary of individual studies carried out using the INPP Test Battery and Developmental Exercise Programme for use in Schools with Children with Special Needs.
Child Care in Practice.11/4:415.432. 2005


Goddard Blythe SA, 2011. Neuromotor maturity as an indicator of developmental readiness for education. Report on the use of a Neuro-Motor Test Battery and Developmental Movement Programme in schools in Northumberland and Berkshire. 2011. IN: Movement, Vision, Hearing – The Basis of Learning. Ewa Maria Kulesza (Ed). Wydawninctwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im> Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Warszawa.


Zielińska M & Goddard Blythe SA. 2018. School functioning of students with neuromotor immaturity. International Journal of Pedagogy Innovation and New Technologies journal homepage: Vol. 7, No. 2, 2020, pp. 40-46 International Journal of Pedagogy Innovation and New Technologies. journal homepage: ISSN: 2392-0092,

​Goddard Blythe SA & Lunina N., 2020.  


Assessing neuromotor readiness for learningModern methods of prevention and correction of developmental disorders for children: Tradition and innovation: Sat. materials of the II International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference, October 22-23, 2020. eds. O. N. Usanova. - M .: Kogito-Center - Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, 2020 .--  pp. 11-23. ISBN 978-5-89353-607-2


Goddard Blythe SA, Duncombe R, Preedy P & Gorely T., 2021. Neuromotor readiness for school: the primitive reflex status of young children at the start and end of their first year at school in the United Kingdom. 2021. Education 3-13/ International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education.


Kalemba A,  Lorent M,  Goddard Blythe SA  and Gieysztor, E., 2023. The Correlation between Residual Primitive Reflexes and Clock Reading Difficulties in School-Aged Children—A Pilot Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.  2023, 20, 2322. ijerph2003232


Goddard Blythe SA., 2023. Are Immature Neuromotor Skills Significant Factors in Educational Under-achievement and Special Educational Needs? Literature review of the role of Primitive Reflexes as Indicators and Measures of Neuromotor Immaturity. Goddard Blythe, Sally. Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology, Wielka Brytania. SzkoÅ‚a Specjalna.  2023-04-30.




For a listing of excerpts from reports provided by some schools and local authorities where the
INPP Developmental Screening Test and School Intervention Programme has been used...
One-Day Teacher Training
Coleraine, Northern Ireland
Saturday, 22nd March 2025
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