I've been talking to parents about their fears and concerns for their children going back to school this year. So naturally, my heart goes through the rollercoaster of wanting to console them but also to encourage them to take steps that could ultimately mean that this could become a year of significant breakthroughs for their child if their presenting symptoms have their root in neuromotor immaturity.
You see, if it's neuromotor immaturity, then that's what I can do something about.
Here’s the science-y part:
Neuro-Motor Immaturity (NMI), is the continued presence of a cluster of primitive reflexes above the age of 1 year, and sometimes includes the absence or underdevelopment of postural reflexes above the age of 3 and a half years.
Each one of us is born with a set of primitive reflexes (sometimes known as "survival reflexes"), that are active for the first few months after birth and then gradually recede as connections to higher centres in the brain develop. If these reflexes don't go away at the correct time, they stay active in the body, causing the brain to operate in ways it was never designed to do, and they may get in the way of motor control, eye functioning, eye-hand co-ordination, and perceptual skills. Frustration, hyperactivity, anxiety, and hypersensitivity may be further ongoing symptoms, as your child finds it difficult to perform daily tasks to their true level of potential.
For some children, their outward appearance and behaviour may seem "normal" and they may "perform" well in school settings. Because of this some problems may not be picked up by teachers. It is only once the reflexes are addressed that it becomes more clear what your child has been facing, and their daily tasks and processes become easier while frustration and anxieties ease.
The good news is that it's not a "guessing game." The assessment makes it clear when dysfunction is present. This is checked and measured throughout the programme until your child's reflexes have been integrated. In the same way that a healthy baby goes through a natural process of baby reflexes doing the job that they were designed to do, neuro-developmental therapy gives your child's nervous system a "second chance" to integrate those reflexes as they should have done.
Through the developmental movement programme, their reflexes that had "over-stayed their welcome" will not return because they have completed the work developmentally that they were designed to do. The result of integrated reflexes is a nervous system that can begin to operate from a firm foundation where the gaps in development have been addressed.
And if you are thinking… "how on earth can a developmental movement programme make such significant differences in the brain?" You are not the only one! It's mind boggling when you watch it at work. Just this week a parent said to me that the changes in her 11 year old daughter over a 6 month period on the programme were "remarkable" and that it was even hard for her to remember what life used to be like and how quickly things had changed when she heard me recall the brief she gave me when her daughter began on the programme.

Here's the part where I show my heart:
I hear directly or overhear mothers and fathers speaking of the challenges they are having with their children in attention, behaviour, coordination, academics, sensory sensitivities, speech and language… all of that kind of thing… and honestly I find it difficult.
I find it difficult because when you know what I know about the way that primitive reflexes work and don't work in the body, it is frustrating to realise how many parents don't know that they may truly be able to make a difference in their child's future by making it a priority to address reflex integration.
And if you can imagine, I find myself in a position day after day when I want to get a megaphone and jump up and down and say "there is actually something you can do and if it is the underlying reason your child's nervous system is not functioning properly, then you will begin to see shifts in your child that could change the course of their lives"
I wish more parents knew this.
So often, parents have been told that there is nothing else that they can do for their child… that their fate of a lifetime of the presenting symptoms they are suffering through is set.
Regardless of a diagnosis or presenting symptoms, proactive steps can often be taken to make life easier for your child.
For those children who fit the profile of a child with neuromotor immaturity/neuro-developmental delay or auditory processing issues… Map & Compass may help them make significant and even life-changing progress.
Importantly, this is not the case for every child, even those on a programme with Map & Compass. Right now, there are children on programmes at Map & Compass for months, but still don't see big leaps of progress. However, reflexes will integrate, and progress will be made on these programmes done well and consistently unless there is pathology or underlying biochemical issues, so our work here is also to identify when we can point you in the direction of help for whatever is keeping progress at bay. Not all situations can be improved… but there is often more that can be helped than many parents realise.
Map & Compass was created to help parents navigate not only how to help their child but also where and how to get help, even if what their child is struggling with cannot be helped with a programme here.
Please contact us if you'd like to find out more.
And of course there is much I could say about every reason why not every child will make this kind of progress, but it's important to say… MANY will!
This autumn may just be the moment that you as a parent begin to lift your chin. The bravest thing you may ever do is HOPE on behalf of your child in the face of what may seem hopeless.
Isn't it worth finding out if your child may fit the profile of a child that could take significant steps forward through a programme at Map & Compass? There are families from Coleraine to Bundoran to Sligo to Ballymena to Maghera … dotted across this land, who are on a new path of hope.
Here's the part where you hear from other parents:
Parent Testimonial/10 year old girl:
"We have approached the beginning of school very differently this year… all positive..no stress… just excitement of what each day brings, the calm in the house in the morning and even more so the night before is so very different. Maria has been working so hard on her exercises and listening, we don’t miss it. Her skin was the first to show her inner worries and stress and only 3 weeks in she came and told me there is no more eczema. We have battled for 10years with her uncomfortable skin.
This journey has given Maria her life back. The fear and anxiety dictated her actions for so long it was holding her back in every aspect of her life…
She now has expanded her dance, drama, friendships and fun times.
We still have wobbles mostly when we begin a new exercise, but we know that we want to get better and not go back… so she has been committed and consistent as Tori has been with us! I’ve been able to understand Maria’s feelings and issues she faces with Toris knowledge and help with understanding what’s going on in her body… we are so glad we’ve started this journey and can’t wait to see where it takes us…
My child is a different child today than she was when we searched for help…so thankfull for Tori and this amazing programme. It has changed our lives."
You can find posts like the one above, further neurodevelopmental education and helpful information from other neurodevelopmental therapists around the world shared daily on the Stories if you'd like to follow Map & Compass on Facebook or Instagram.
If you would like to find out more, please feel free to be in contact.
I would be happy to talk to you about it if you think a programme with Map & Compass may be a good next step for your child.
“Setting a course towards hope”
Tori Sheppard
Here's the part where you can take a next step:
If you are someone who has been in contact with Map & Compass in the past, but you are now more ready to take the next step, or if you are already confident you would like to set up your first appointment...
you can go ahead and book an Initial Consultation online or in person.
And if your child is already on a programme with Map & Compass you know I always love to hear how things are going....so feel free to send me a message to let me know how your child is doing and how it's been starting back to school. 📚