This is one more recent celebrated piece of research in the British Medical Journal showing the before and after results (on EEG…take a look at photos below) of the deeply significant changes that take place in Autistic children after reflex integration therapy. It’s past time for clinicians, therapists, educators and all who work with children with an array of neurodevelopmental difficulties to support and refer to qualified reflex integration practitioners.
Lets have BOTH conversations:
“What can be done to ease the world around them?” (Top down = dealing with the symptoms)
“What could be done to rebuild and repair nervous systems that have been built on cracked foundations?” (Bottom up = addressing the cause of the symptoms)
We need both!
“Top-down” approaches like sensory rooms, IEPs, mitigations for classrooms, weighted blankets, autistic-friendly spaces, dyslexic fonts, pencil grips, etc. are getting better and more pervasive and all are worth celebrating....hugely!
But, it’s time for “Bottom-up” treatments to be respected and championed for what is now proven in research over 5 decades.
Map & Compass Neurodevelopmental Therapy is devoted to “bottom-up” approaches that address the physical factors underlying specific learning difficulties, achievement and emotional/behavioural concerns that present in neurodevelopmental issues such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia/DCD, Autism, ADHD, Auditory Processing, Speech & Language and Sensory challenges (INPP reflex integration and Johansen Individualised Auditory Stimulation) while “holding hands” and referring to multiple providers and support mechanism that provide fantastic "top-down" support.
It is going to take ALL of it.
And all of us working together, cross-referrals, and educating ourselves about what is actually making long term differences in the lives of individuals around the world facing neurodevelopmental challenges must be our banner and song.
INPP licentiates (have completed post-graduate training and mandatory CPD & professional oversight) can be found around the world at this link: https://www.inpp.cloud/inpp-in-your-country/
Auditory Stimulation providers like JohansenIAS (the method used at Map & Compass) can be found around the world too.
And we will need MORE qualified Nutritional Therapists who do lab testing for biochemical/nutritional analysis to look into gaps in the biochemical/nutritional foundations too; i.e. Brainstorm Health and Walsh Nutrient Therapy providers. It’s ALL about setting the foundation aright SO that the nervous system and bodily systems can actually operate as they were designed.
If we fail to address issues in these physical foundations, the "top-down" approaches will only ever seek to "fill a continually leaking cup." But if we can begin to mend those gaps in developmental and biochemical foundations....THEN and only THEN will we truly see the "leaking" of the the "cup" diminish.
Maybe you have a child that you suspect has challenges that are no fault of their own, but you suspect it's just the way that they have developed? And perhaps they present with issues that aren't "that bad" or that they seem to cope with, but that you suspect are creating hurdles for them that are getting in the way of their full potential; i.e. anxiety, hypersensitivity, sensory issues, challenges with learning certain ways, difficulties with sport, coordination, balance, riding a bike, swimming, spelling, reading for pleasure, social interactions, eye contact, listening...the list goes on. Maybe it's NOT neuromotor immaturity/neurodevelopmental delay or auditory processing or a biochemical factor...BUT if it is, it can be assessed, determined and TREATED. Not all presenting symptoms can be helped and may not diminish, but what if some of them do? What if even some of your child's current challenges, frustrations or suffering could become less for them?
The research is certainly out there showing that help and HOPE is possible.
The methods used at Map & Compass (INPP and JIAS) were chosen specifically because they have specific assessment tools and progress can be measured.
What if we can help your child? Isn't it worth finding out?
If your chid is over the age of 7, our Children's Screening Questionnaire is a great place to start.
If they are younger than 7 years old, you can set up a Free 30 minute video call/consultation to find out if Map & Compass may be able to help your child.
If you are stuck… find ANY provider with a bottom-up approach to help your child.
It’s past time to rewrite the approach to treatment for neurodevelopmental difficulties.
Read the new research here: http://tinyurl.com/mr49hzsf
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